The American Chamber of Commerce in Algeria is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting trade and investment between the United States and Algeria. The organization provides a platform for American and Algerian companies to connect, network and advocate for their interests in Algeria.
American Chamber of Commerce in Algeria

About AmCham Algeria
The American Chamber in Brief!
The organization serves as a platform for American and Algerian companies to connect, network and advocate for their interests in Algeria.

Our stakeholders include American and Algerian businesses, multinationals, individuals, government agencies and other organizations representing american companies, products goods and services.

Members Benefits

Access to a network of American
and Algerian businesses.

Support for the resolution of business-related issues and challenges.

Opportunities to participate in trade missions, events, and seminars.

Assistance with market research and information on trade and investment opportunities.
Social Media
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Follow us on social media to learn more about our work.
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Gather & Network November 2024
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Gather & Network October 2024
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